NIHD Presents: Understanding Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities


Infection Prevention and Control is a top priority for healthcare facilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at any given time, 1 in 31 patients suffer from a Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI). These cost healthcare systems across the globe valuable time, money, and labor; HAIs can cost anywhere from $21,000 to $60,000 per patient. In total, HAIs affect 1.7 million patients and cost U.S. hospitals over $35 billion annually.

These statistics highlight the importance on why Infection Control in today’s healthcare environment is more crucial than ever. Infection control covers all aspects of healthcare and is intended to protect both patients and healthcare workers by preventing or stopping the spread of infection. This webinar will cover standard and transmission based precautious, take you through the most common types of HAI’s and then aim to connect the dots to show how appropriate flooring selections can help support an Infection Prevention and Control program in a healthcare facility. 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

12:00pm - 1:00pm EST

CEUs available: 1 AIA, IDCEC, 1 EDAC

Margaret Bartholomew, Segment Manager, Healthcare @ Tarkett

PRESENTER: Margaret Bartholomew, Segment Manager, Healthcare @ Tarkett

Margaret Bartholomew is currently the segment director for Tarkett’s healthcare and senior living segments specializing in strategy, content development and design, with a focus on Infection Prevention and Control within the healthcare built environment. She has spent her career working in the field of healthcare, driving her passion of health and wellness for all. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science majoring in Marketing and Economics and has nearly 20 years’ experience in all aspects of healthcare strategy, branding and design.

NIHD collaborates with clinicians, design professionals and industry partners in the healthcare design process to shape the future of healthcare design.